Saturday, July 25, 2009

I am back

Hi guys,

I am back and with a whole set of new stories and expriences to share with you all. I know I have not been blogging for a long time and I had my own reasons for not being able to. But now do look out for a lot of interesting tales and viewpoints.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tagged for the first time!!!!

1. If your Lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?

He doesn't deserve me!!!

2. If you have one dream which could come true, it would be?

To control the world and let only the right things happen

3. Which one do you prefer-ice-cream or chocolate?

Give me both ;-)

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

Loads of shopping for all my dear ones

5. Can you fall in love with your best friend?

Yes. But too late now....

6. Who is more blessed-loving someone or being loved by someone?

Loved by someone…

7. How long would you wait for someone you love?

Depends on my patience

8. If the person you like is secretly attached, what would you do?

Hmmm..... wait for him/her to reveal it

9. If you could root for one social cause, what would it be?

Social inequality in all forms

10. What takes you down fastest?

Gravity. I agree with Sathya.

11. What according to you is blogger in denial?

Blogger in a mood to lie or tell the truth????

12. What’s your fear?

Being lonely

13. Your opinion of the persons who tagged you with this?

No comments

14. Would you be single & rich or married & poor?

Married happily & not very poor :-)

15. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Open my eyes

16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, whom would you pick?

Did pick up both if I had a choice ha ha

17. Would you give all in a relationship?


18. What’s eating you now?

Being away from my love

19. Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?

I am happily settled in a relationship

20. What is your occupation?

Project management

21. What color are your socks right now?


22. What are you listening to right now?

Fusion music

23. What was the last thing you ate?

Roti with cauliflower curry

24. Can you drive stick shift?

What is a stick shift??!!!!

25. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

My love

26. Do you like the person who sent this to you?

He is my big teddy young brother

27. How old are you today?

Keep guessing

28. What is your favorite sport to watch?

Don't watch so much. But I like tennis.

29. What are your favorite drinks?

Activ Fruit juices

30. Have you ever dyed your hair?


31. Favorite Food?

Chinese Noodles or Italian pasta

32. What is the last movie you watched?

Don't laugh. I don't remember

33. Favorite day of the year?

My dependence day!!! My wedding day!!!

34. How do you vent anger?

Raise my voice.

35. What was your favorite toy as a child?

I used to love my trade game set

36. What is your favorite Season?


37. Do you want your friends to email you back?

OF course

38. When was the last time you cried?

While peeling the onion skin....

39. What is on the floor of your closet?

My night dresses

40. Who is the friend you have the longest you are sending to?


41. What did you do last night?

Was in a meeting

42. Plain, Cheese or Spicy hamburger?


43. Favorite dog breed?

German sheperds

44. Favorite day of the week?


45. How many states have you lived in?

West Bengal (20 years), Tamil Nadu (9 years), Karnataka (6 months) and Andhra Pradesh (almost 3 years)

46. Diamonds or Pearls?


47. What is your wish for the new year?

Thats a secret. But the wish is that the New year wish should be fulfilled.

48. New year resolution?

This New Year Lets All get
Together to make a new
Resolution that we will
LIVE LIFE to the fullest
And enjoy the happiness hidden
in even all the small things in

I am passing on the tag to:



Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolution for New Year

My other series will continue but I decided that I should pen down my feelings during new Year and the result is the new post that you all are reading.

One Year has gone by leaving
memories behind and
A New Year has began
With a blank page, a blank canvas
For new memories to be penned
For years we have survived
And existed to face hardships
And have come out unscathed.

This New Year Lets All get
Together to make a new
Resolution that we will
LIVE LIFE to the fullest
And enjoy the happiness hidden
in even all the small things in


This is the New Year resolution that each and every one of us should make this year. This resolution is applicable not just to people of India but to all the people around the world. I am a recent blogger but have been following a lot of blogs regularly. Lot of people have written about the 26/11 terror attacks, its aftermath and as to what the government should do about such attacks and so many other related stories and articles. Lot of us have even given our suggestions as to what the common man should do in view of such attacks. Today, on this new year, I want to talk about this attack and related things on a completely different dimension.

I think the media has done an overrun on this attack and are still in the process. All the live coverage, the sensational running commentaries, the bold statements, bolder revelations and postmortems and the thorough whipping of the politicians and the administrative machinery of the government body did strike some chords and we saw some reaction after the strong accusations. But now is the time to sit and reflect. Have we done enough? Or have we missed out something which is more important and relevant, in this whole blame game?

The world has seen a lot of bloodshed in the form of terrorist attacks in the recent past. Also, there has been a phenomenal increase in communal violence in the past few years.

I can even now remember the chaos after the Babri Masjid incident. I was in school then and we were living in Kolkata at that time. There was a curfew for almost a month. I remember the Babri Masjid incident distinctly because my grandmother who had come down to Kolkata at that time got inflicted by Typhoid and was lying senseless oblivious to the happenings around her. That was one of the first major communal incidents in India. But now in the past 4 to 5 years, these clashes have become more common and we have seen it all. The biggest blow to India and to the world was 26/11 after the 9/11.

Today, I am going to take some time to talk about a few things which I feel are more relevant in life than the incident itself. We saw the extensive but not exhaustive coverage by the media on the 26/11 incidents. The news channels and the news papers went on and on for days together trying to complete the jigsaw puzzle of the 26/11 terror attacks. As of today, the government have enough evidence to nail Pakistan and assert that the terrorists are originally from Pakistan. The blame game is still on.... something similar to Coffee and Toffee fight. The fight continues.......

But what we have forgotten is that this is not a singular deadly incident that is happening around us. People Wake Up. Look around you. You will find a Swapnika dying everyday because of acid burns, a girl in Noida gang raped by five youths, parents killing children and many more. Not just these, what about the Godhra deaths? The twin cities blasts, the Ahmedabad bomb blasts, the Malegaon bomb blasts,the Orissa communal strikes, to quote a few.

Can you think of any logical reasons as to why these incidents are happening in multitude? I am sure you people out there are intelligent enough to figure it out :-)


This post will continue after some readers pen their comments....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Best Friend Part II

Hi all,

I am back. I am starting it from the very point I had left it in my last post. I was introduced to this cute little black teddy by my poet friend. The liking was instant as there was an uncanny and unsaid bonding between us immediately. I fondly call her Teddy because she is round and dark complexioned but her lap is a like a soft cushion sofa if you ever decide to have an undisturbed sleep.

Our friendship was an instant hit due to several reasons, some of which are as follows:

1.) We were in the same school though not in the same class, but our classrooms were in the same floor. So we got to see each other very often.

2.) We lived in the same neighborhood just about 5 mins apart from each other.

3.) We had the same common friends.

Last but not the least and the most important of all,

4.) Both of us had no siblings. Both of us were only children and so lonely.

There are a couple of things that I would like to share with my readers today. A couple of my readers may be only children who may agree or disagree with my point. But as I told in the beginning, this is my idea and it may differ from others' viewpoints.

I am an only child of my parents. I was brought up very liberally by my parents. They are very friendly and loving parents who never made me feel alone, but still there was always an emptiness within me which never got filled up. Though I grew up with my cousins for a long time, they also could never fill up that gap inside me. There is a lot of concocted ideas that people generally have about only children. I am not going to clear all that now but I will definitely pen down my ideas on that subject later.

So, picking up the story from where I left, there were a lot of similarities between us. She also felt a similar emptiness within her. But do u know what attracted us to each other? Our contrasting outlook towards LIFE. Our approach towards Life were radically different. I had a very positive and constructive approach towards Life. I have always tried to be practical in all the situations and tackle them with courage. That is a lesson I learnt early on from my parents.

But her approach was entirely different. She had draped a huge canopy of loneliness around her which would wrap you into its furls if you were not cautious enough. That is what happened with me. In the beginning, there was this emotional wall separating both of us but slowly with a lot of patience and large doses of love, the wall began to collapse and I got a glimpse of the real person hiding within her. I saw a very lonely person longing for companionship and love. Nobody could understand that feeling better because I was experiencing the same.

Do u think only children are moody? If you think yes, I should tell you - You are mistaken. They are not moody. They are too lonely and sometimes unable to express the deepest of their feelings because they are too scared to share their innermost feelings with everyone.

It was at this juncture that we both met and became close to each other. So close that people would tease that we are inseparable. As I got to know her better, I also realized that deep down she was very insecure and lost and desperately in need of an anchor in Life. Could I become her anchor and the best friend she was looking for? To know more, keep reading.......

( To be contd............)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My First Best Friend

Hi all,

I am new to this blogging. So please bear with me if you find my blogs too boring or uninteresting. I have just started my journey back in time, so it is going to be a bit difficult to put all my thoughts together but as wise men say we have to attempt before we call it quits.

As I had told in the beginning, Life is the most interesting and adventurous journey for any individual. Though all of us are very much present in this world, we do not live Life, but actually move through it as if it were a conveyer belt. Life is all about not only enjoying the shortest moments of joy and happiness but also the sad and melancholy ones also with equal fervour and enthusiasm.

I am very sure that all the readers of this blog have their own lists of Firsts. Their first cycle, first school, first close friend, and last but not the least their first love. Today, I have decided to tell you all about my first best friend who is not just the best but the truest one as well.

I dedicate this post to that special person in my life who gave me the both the happiest and the saddest moments of my life and taught me the most important lesson in Life - to be able to accept both happiness and sorrow with a neutral attitude.

I would like to thank her for being there to support me whenever I felt lost and down, for accepting me the way I am because I know I have made her life very miserable at times by being very difficult to manage. She loves me and adores me inspite of my shortcomings and deficiencies which is the USP of our friendship.

It was a hot afternoon and the Annual Sports Day of our school. I had finished all my events and had managed to win in two of them as well. I was feeling exhausted and drained and my friend was trying to revive me by telling some nice poems in Hindi and Urdu. It was at this iconic moment of my life - that this girl walked in who was going to become the most special friend I ever had in my Life.

She came to meet my poet friend and that is when we got introduced to each other for the first time. I still remember those black sparkling eyes smiling at me and hailing me to come hither.

(To be contd........)